Cookies on this website

On this page:

This cookie notice informs you about the cookies used by HSBC Bank A.Ş. ("HSBC") and their purposes of use in accordance with Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Turkish Data Protection Law").

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store on your browser when you visit them. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize your visit and collect information about how you use that website.

The Cookies we use

The cookies we use are strictly necessary.

Strictly necessary cookies

Strictly necessary cookies ensure that our website is able to function properly. We've listed the categories of these strictly necessary cookies below.

Cookies that help us provide core services and features

We use these cookies to provide core services and features on our website. These services and features won't work without them.

Your personal data collected through these cookies are processed based on the following legal grounds: "it is necessary to process personal data of parties of the contract, provided that such processing is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract" pursuant to Article 5/2(c) of the Turkish Data Protection Law" or "processing is mandatory for the data controller's legitimate interests, provided that such processing does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject" pursuant to Article 5/2(f) of the Turkish Data Protection Law.

Optional cookies

We'd also like to use cookies to provide optional features to improve our website.

We understand that not everyone likes data to be collected about them when it's not strictly necessary, and so we'll ask you to set your preferences when you first visit our website.  

Cookies that we use to improve performance

We use these cookies to ensure our optional features and services work. Our website will still work without them.

We rely on your explicit consent in accordance with Article 5/1 of the Turkish Data Protection Law for the processing of your personal data through optional cookies.

How we remember your cookie preferences

Your preferences are stored in cookies stored on your browser. If you switch off a category of cookies that you've previously accepted, then for technical reasons those cookies will not be deleted.

To delete cookies from your browser, we recommend that you clear your browser data. If you do this, or change browser, we'll ask for your preferences again when you next visit our website.

Name of the Cookie

Purpose of the Cookie

Cookie Type

Storage Period of the Cookie


This cookie is used for technical purposes to maintain an anonymized user session by the server. They are actively placed when the page is entered.

Third Party

During session


This cookie is used to manage tags on each of our pages. They are actively placed when the page is entered.

Third Party

375 days


This cookie is used for technical purposes and prevents the browser from sending this cookie along with cross-site request for mitigating forgery risks. They are actively placed when the page is entered.

Third Party

During session


This cookie is used to manage user consent for cookie usage to comply with local regulations.

Third Party

375 days

Cookies and your privacy rights

The information cookies collect, and how we use that information, may count as personal data. We may also be able to identify you by name, IP address or session ID. You have rights regarding how we collect, store and use your personal data.

According to Article 11 of the Turkish Data Protection Law, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  • the right to learn whether we process your personal data
  • the right to request information with regard to such processing, if we process your personal data
  • the right to learn the purposes of the processing and whether they are used for such purpose or not
  • the right to know the third parties within or outside the country, to whom we transfer your personal data
  • the right to request correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data
  • the right to request deletion or destruction of your personal data under the conditions set forth in Article 7 of the Turkish Data Protection Law
  • the right to request that we notify the third parties, to whom we transferred your personal data, about the correction, deletion and/or destruction of your personal data per your request within the scope of the foregoing two items
  • the right to object to the negative results about you that are due to the analysis of your personal data processed solely by automated means
  • the right to claim indemnification for damages incurred due to illegal processing of your personal data

Contact us regarding your requests

You may submit your requests in writing to our branches in person or through a notary public regarding your legal rights. In addition, you can send your requests to by using a registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or you can send your requests via e-mail to by using the e-mail address previously notified to the Bank and registered in our systems.

The application must include; (i) name, surname and signature if the application is in writing, (ii) national identification number for citizens of the Republic of Türkiye; and nationality, passport number or identification number, if any, for foreigners, (iii) residential or workplace address for notification, (iv) e-mail address, telephone and fax number for notification, if any, and (v) the subject of the request.

The applications to be made within this scope will be accepted following our identity verification, and your requests in the application will be finalized as soon as possible and within 30 days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. You can learn more about how we use your personal data in our Privacy notice.