In our download centre we have provided for your convenience items and agreements that you may require for our products and services. Click on the relevant links below to print the items that you require.
Agreements and Forms
Credit Products*
- General Loan Agreement (Commercial) (PDF, 1.11MB)
- General Loan Agreement (Commercial) Pre-Briefing Form (PDF, 569KB)
Banking Transactions*
- Banking Transactions Agreement (Commercial) Pre-Briefing Form (PDF, 591KB)
- Banking Transactions Agreement (Commercial) (PDF, 1.20MB)
Receivables Finance*
- General Factoring Agreement (PDF, 168KB)
- General Factoring Agreement and Customer Pre-Disclosure Form (PDF, 66KB)
Business Internet Banking
*You can also find our agreements and our pre-notification forms, which provide general information about our revised agreements and general terms and conditions of each agreement through the links.In this regard, we recommend you to review the agreement which you intend to sign with our Bank, and if needed, please seek professional advice from an expert on the legal and financial consequences of the terms of the agreement of interest, accordingly, then contact with the Bank.