At HSBC, your opinions matter. Should you have any compliments, suggestions, feedback or complaints about the service you have received, please use one of the following channels. HSBC Bank A.Ş. has a complaint handling process in place, details of which are provided below.
HSBC Branches (Click here to find nearest Branch location and telephone numbers)
Head Office Address:
HSBC Bank A.Ş. Esentepe Mah. Büyükdere Cad. No: 128 34394 Şişli / İstanbul
Our complaints process
What happens when you first complain?
We will always try to resolve your complaints there and then. We will fully investigate all the issues you have raised, contact you with the outcome as quickly as we can. Sometimes it may take a little longer to resolve matters – if this is the case, we will keep you updated by telephone, e-mail or SMS. We will also continue to keep you informed throughout the process until the complaint is resolved in cases where detailed system investigation and / or improvement are required.
What can you do if you're not satisfied with the response to your complaint?
If you are not satisfied with the response and /or outcome you have received from our branches or business telephone banking, please click here to share your complaint with our Head Office.